Will Serge + Leanna

Photographer . Mike Chen
Make Up Artist. Charlane Yu

There is no UNSUCK filter in post processing. The photo is either good, or it’s not. Post Processing won’t make a crappy images look good.
I always shoot it right in camera with minimal post processing to make your wedding images True and Timeless.
Trend and style come and go away, you wouldn’t want your images to look expired in 3-5 years down the road.

In this shoot, I concentrate much on the light and composition but there is one most powerful element in there; their love and interaction.

Here we have Will Serge + Leanna all the way from Chicago, thank you for choosing me and forming this friendship.
They are such a lovely and amazing couple, they were together since their college days and that was an amazing 8 years till now!

Believe it or not, I didn’t really been to or notice this part of the Fort Canning Park and when we had a walk there I was totally blown away with the places and the light I saw.


Upper Peirce Reservoir - Ding Hui + Felicia


Back-alley of Singapore - Zhun Chong + Siwen